Tabernacle and the Christian (Page 4)

Tabernacle and the Christian 28

Listen to Kevin Simpson continue studying through the connections between the Tabernacle and the Christian.  This week we examine lamp oil, anointing, unifying the offices of priest and king, the prophecies of Zechariah, and their relation to Zerubbabel.

Tabernacle and the Christian 26

Listen to Kevin Simpson continue studying through the connections between the Tabernacle and the Christian. This week we review the Lampstand of the Tabernacle, examine the Lampstands of the Temple, the completed word of God, and the partial being replaced by the perfect.

Tabernacle and the Christian 25

Listen to Kevin Simpson continue studying through the connections between the Tabernacle and the Christian. This week we examine the significance and application of The Lampstand, light provided by God, and the almond tree.